Congratulations to Dorothy McCoy! Winner of the 2022 PRG Reviewer’s Choice Award

Dorothy McCoy Winner of the 2022 Paranormal Romance Guild Reviewer’s Choice Award
The Mysterious Secret Guardians in the London Underground

Dr. Raven Wyndot, referred to as Bones by her companions, is a psychotherapist who finds herself hunting World War II era war criminals alongside some very famous historical figures. These historical figures are secret guardians who protect the world from evil that once inspired a world war and horrific experimentation on humanity. The setting is the modern world, with the base of operations for the guardians inside the Savoy, their luxury headquarters. Each new lead the guardians uncover in their mission to hunt down evil, gives the reader a chance to venture into some interesting and nicely illustrated parts of London, which range from dark sewers to the National Maritime Museum.

Bones’ narrative hit a personal note with me. She is the lone female mortal on a team of male professionals from esteemed positions in society. I am all too aware of the difficulties that come with being the only female in a room full of well-educated working professionals with advanced degrees or expertise in their field. This can be a rather intimidating experience, but Bones handles herself well. She is accommodating to the sometimes archaic views of the men in her group without letting them dictate her role as a member of the team. The author, Dorothy McCoy, does a wonderful job of illustrating the challenges of being the female minority in a group dominated by men who are used to being the voice of authority in their professions.

This story demanded a bit more focus from me than most fictional reads usually do. Although much of the story is told from Bones’ perspective, the character perspective changes in certain chapters so that the reader can gain insight into the intent of different characters, including the antagonist’s agenda. I liked the experience of seeing inside the thought processes of the guardians and some of the antagonists. I also liked the experience of determining which character the chapter was focused on based on the way the narrative flowed, but it did require a bit of analytical thought.

This book is a fascinating blend of analytical, supernatural, and historical fiction with an interesting twist on the battle between good and evil. If you are looking for an intricate narrative packed with a multitude of adventures and engaging characters, this is a wonderful read that will leave you asking for more.

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