Trae Q. L. Venerable
Trae Q.L Venerable, born to Myron and Tracy Venerable with a life long history in ranching and farming, is excited to bring you Grandpa I Just Wanna be a Cowboy, books of the “forgotten cowboys” history. Trae, an avid outdoorsman, horseman and cattle jock, comes from generations of Farm and Ranch owners, from which many of these stories have been passed on. For way too long, the “forgotten cowboy” has not been heard and the time is now.
Visit his website at: www.traevenerable.com
Trae in the News
A Self-Proclaimed ‘Country Kanye West,’ This Kansas City Writer Honors Black Cowboys
Jul 25 2019
Trae Q.L. Venerable is a lot of things: a horseman, a houndsman, a writer and an educator, for sure. But foremost, he’s a real-life cowboy who doesn’t fit the image found in most western movies or in country music. The Kansas City writer is African American and a mix of Choctaw, Cherokee and Black Foot as well as a fourth generation cowboy. He thought he’d do well to write books that honor those previous generations as well as future generations of cowboys of color.
Read the full article @ kcur.org/post/self-proclaimed-country-kanye-west-kansas-city-writer-honors-black-cowboys#stream/0
Author teaches children about ranching and farming
Jan 4 2019
KANSAS CITY, MO. — Author Trae Q L Venerable is an avid outdoors-man, horseman and cattle jock, and comes from generations of Farm and Ranch owners. He wrote Grandpa I Just Wanna be a Cowboy, a series about the “forgotten cowboys” history.
Watch the interview video @ kshb.com/entertainment/kcl/author-teaches-children-about-ranching-and-farming
Volunteers with Lead to Read say program makes a difference
Aug 27 2019
Watch the video @ kmbc.com/article/volunteers-with-lead-to-read-say-program-makes-a-difference/28836578
Image of cowboy as ‘white knight on horseback’ a myth. Black author tells true story
Oct 4 2019
KANSAS CITY STAR — Fans of Western fiction may be surprised to learn that their mental image of a cowboy is incomplete. They’re seeing only three-fourths of the picture. What’s missing is some 25% of that population: the black cowboy. Trae Venerable, 24, an Olathe author, wants to fill in what popular culture has left out.
Read the full article @ kansascity.com/news/local/community/joco-913/olathe-southwest-joco/article234699502.html
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