Dorothy McCoy
Dorothy McCoy has authored several books, all of which have been published. She worked in law enforcement as a South Carolina State Constable, taught in the South Carolina Justice Academy, created their Master Instructor Program, and worked briefly in the Richland County Sheriff’s Department’s Cold Case Squad. McCoy is an expert in counseling and psychology, having been licensed for almost 20 years. She has spoken at numerous international conferences on psychopaths and narcissists, and written books related to counseling. Her most popular book, The Manipulative Man (2006) dives into the spidery web created by these alarming personality disorders. She has also written texts for law enforcement. The material for, The Mysterious Secret Guardians, was pulled from McCoy’s wealth of knowledge and experience. She also is a proficient researcher, a skill she heavily relies on in crafting her books. The history is accurate. The locations and science described are accurate. Before embarking on this project, McCoy read every book she could find on Churchill, as well as many of the 72 books he wrote. She also has read hundreds of mysteries. She has it down pat!
4 out of 4 stars – Review of The Mysterious Secret Guardians in the London Underground
. . .There wasn’t a single thing about the story that I didn’t enjoy. The motivations of the characters were clear. The intention of Dr. Mengele to resurrect Nazi ideology was outlined in detail and made sense. Throughout the novel, the suspense was maintained, and I was frequently astonished by certain disclosures. I enjoyed how the story ended since it piqued my interest in reading the following installment in the series.
I rate this book 4 out of 4 stars because this was a novel that used historical figures in an unusual way. I really liked the novel, and I thought the foreshadowing for the next book in the series was done nicely. I considered this book to be really well-edited since there were no typos or errors to be detected. This is a book I would recommend to lovers of mystery, action, and history.
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